Dear Madam, dear Sir, dear Colleagues,

All participants of the ICACO Experience 2018 are cordially invited to present their experiences and their knowledge in the form of a lecture or a video presentation followed by discussion. In this way, you can actively contribute to the ICACO Experience 2018. In the following, you will find the details for submission.

Kind Regards,

ICACO Board and Conference team

Online Form – Abstract submission 2018

Online Form – Video Case



Submission process

1. Possible topics are
– Cannabis Medicine
– Cannabinoid/Endocannabinoid Research
– Clinical Trials
– Cannabis Cultivation & Breeding
– Edibles, Extracts & Infused Products
– Data, Testing & Analysis
– A general Report from your Country – latest developments
– Policy Reform & Law
– CBD Legislation
– CBD Products
– Hemp processing/harvesting
– Hemp Food (Seeds & Oil)
– Fibres, Textiles & Cosmetics
– Shivs, Composites & Hemp-building
– Industrial Hemp/Products
– Inventions/Innovations/Startups
– Sustainability
– Others

2. Abstracts can be submitted for:
– A Keynote: a cutting edge oral presentation up to 90 minutes including discussion time
– A Lecture as part of the main program: an oral presentation up to 30 minutes including discussion time
– A Poster presentation (the size of your poster should be Din A0.)
– A Workshop/parallel session: a private workshop in a separate meeting room

Please note that abstracts will usually be accepted as posters. From all submissions, the scientific committee will select abstracts for oral presentation.

3. Authors can submit one or more abstracts in English.

4. Please note that only complete submissions which confirm to the guidelines in format and structure and which are submitted by November 1st 2017 will be accepted for consideration.

5. Submission of a proposal constitutes a commitment by the author to present if accepted.

6. With the submission of an abstract, authors declare that if the abstract is accepted, they will register to participate in the conference by January 31st, 2018 at the latest (online registration at Authors are responsible for all related expenses if no separate agreement regarding travel & accommodation is signed by the organizer.

7. Authors of abstracts must indicate when and where the content has been presented if this is not the first presentation.

8. The abstract deadline for oral presentations is November 1st, 2017
Please submit your completed application via the online form only!
8.a) The abstract deadline for poster presentations is January 31st, 2018. The texts of the abstracts can be updated until March 15th, 2018.

9. The ICACO Conference Team will select from among the abstracts submitted. Abstracts accepted for lectures will be included in the program. Abstracts accepted for posters will be included in the poster exhibition. The authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by email by January 15th, 2018 and are kindly asked to confirm receipt by email to: 


10. All abstracts accepted will be published exactly as submitted. Title, author, institution and address will be published and included in the conference syllabus.

11. All abstracts accepted for lectures will be published in the conference syllabus in English.

12. After the Conference, all abstracts accepted for lectures and posters can be published on the ICACO website and on the ICACO USB-Stick for delegates. partners and sponsors.

13. All abstracts and presentations will be recorded (video and audio) and published on the ICACO content pages such as the ICACO website, youtube-channel, facebook-page, intstagram and other media channels which may be available in the future. The author(s) also agree that their speech could possibly be published live on the ICACO website or social media channels during the conference.

Speaker and Workshop Guidelines

14. For the benefit of submission reviewers and Conference attendees, please ensure that the presentation content is reflected accurately in the title.

15. Clarity of expression will be considered in the review process. The overall quality of language used should ensure comprehension by the reader. Proofread your abstract carefully to avoid errors.

16. There will be no handouts at the lectures; all material pertinent to the presentation must be submitted with the abstract in order to be included in the syllabus.

17. Present your latest research, medical trials and/or scientific abstract to a huge audience! You are very welcome to become part of our core program

18. Presentations of cannabis related products, -businesses, -events, or -services are also welcome but will be marked as industry sponsored symposia

If you have any questions about the submission process, please contact:
Bianca Zacha:

If you are interested in hosting an industry sponsored symposia please contact David Rosse:
