Make your research visible!
We invite authors to submit Video Cases for presentation at the ICACO Experience 2017

Video Case sessions are an excellent platform for brief updates on current issues in cannabis medicine. It allows you to present and discuss new, unexpected, or exceptional practice and technologies.

Opening of Video Case submission: June 07, 2017
Deadline for Video Case submission:  November 1st 2018
Deadline for delivery of DVD/CD-ROM: November 1st, 2018

How to submit a Video Case

1. Video Cases may be submitted only electronically by using the online form from October 07, 2016 until the deadline via the conference website

2. Video Cases sent by mail, e-mail or fax will not be accepted.

3. A title (in capital letters) that clearly indicates the nature of the case should be provided.

4. Abbreviations should be avoided in titles but may be used in the text if they are defined at first usage.

5. The authors’ names (full first names, family names), gender and places of work (institution, city, country) must be shown, but omit degrees, titles, appointments, postal address and acknowledgement of support.

6. The length of the video case abstract should not exceed 2,900 printable characters including title of the abstract, author details, headers, punctuation, blank spaces and references.

7. The Video Case should be as informative as possible:
State the specific objective of the study
State the methods used, if pertinent
Summarize the results obtained
State the conclusions reached

8. Please make sure that your Video Case does not contain spelling, grammatical or scientific errors, as it will be reproduced exactly as submitted.

9. Statements such as “data will be presented” or similar will lead to automatic rejection of the Video Case.

10. Cases can be saved in draft status and completed before the deadline. Only abstracts with the status “Final submission” will be considered for review.

11. Once your submission is completed, please send the video documentation on a DVD or CD-ROM to: The ICACO Experience, Johann Gottek Gasse 18/25, 1230 Vienna Austria

12. The reviewers will judge the Video Case according to the originality of work, the relevance to the ICACO Experience 2017, standard of English, objectivity of statement, description of what was done, suitability of methods in relation to aims, conclusions confirmed by objective results, ethics, scientific value, potential clinical value and overall impression.

Guidelines for Video Case DVD/CD-ROM Preparation

The Video Case DVD/CD-ROM needs to fulfill the following requirements:

  • No sound
  • Minimum 6 minutes with a maximum of 8 minutes
  • Make sure to use a standard video format (e.g. MPEG, AVI)

Further Information If you have any additional questions or need further information concerning video case submission, please contact:
ICACO 2017 Abstract Management 

Office Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00 CET