Growth never happens alone.

Impact neither.

Looking for leverage? Fine. We offer three different opportunities for ambitious full time founders
to present their businesses to an engaged audience of leaders and decision makers from global brands.
Which one is right for you depends on how much progress your startup already achieved.

Definition first.

What is a startup?

To make sure our startup opportunities are actually relevant for you and your company,
we suggest you to follow this definition by Paul Graham. It is crucial for our decision.

 A startup is a company designed to grow fast. Being newly founded does not in itself make a company a startup. Nor is it necessary for a startup to work on technology, or take venture funding, or have some sort of ‚exit‘. The only essential thing is growth.

Everything else we associate with startups follows from growth. (…)
To grow rapidly, you need to make something you can sell to a big market.
That’s the difference between Google and a barbershop. A barbershop doesn’t scale. 

Paul Graham



01 ICACO Startup Pass

Your business is young and really needs the money?
Still you are a pioneer with a vision inside and that is just why you are counting every euro?
We have been there, too. Apply now for a FREE Startup Pass.
The contingent is limited to 500 tickets in total.



02 ICACO Demo Desk

Your idea already got traction? Your service is operating, the solution is functional, the product strikes?
Then better secure your piece of spotlight on our Expo Area right now and present yourself to an engaged and
globally connected audience. There are 50 Demo Desks available in total.



 03 ICACO Startup Pitch

Your business model has a promising future and bears even the hardest audit by renown experts?
Pitching for the win is obvious for you and the time has come to go for the big stage? We dig your attitude.
Apply now for the Startup Live Pitch at the Conference and pitch your idea right in front of our well known Jury
of highly skilled investors and experts. If you are able to convince our jury you should be prepared to talk to several interested investors right after leaving the stage.