CARGO Information for Exhibitors:

IML – Messe Logistk GmbH is the ACV’s official freight forwarding, customs and on-site handling agency.

„As official freight forwarder we are obliged to provide first class service. By using our service, you can be sure that we will follow up with your needs and that the material handling will be coordinated with yourself, the exhibition manager, the stand coordinator and the show-site responsible. Also a representative of IML will be available on-site during move-in, exhibition hours and move-out to be your one-stop contact.“

Wolfgang Unzeitig


ICACO 2018 CARGO/Shipment Forms:

Packinglist EU Shipments.pdf




IML Services

  • Collection and transport by road, air or sea
  • Customs handling on a temporary and permanent basis as well as ATA carnet
  • Storage before delivery
  • Direct delivery to the stand during the official move-in period
  • Storage and handling of empties
  • Exhibit packing
  • Return transport arrangements